Sometimes typos happen when you manually add your bank account details to Routable.
If you happen to notice any issues with the bank details that have been added to your vendor or customer account, below are the steps you can take to correct your bank account details.
Please reach out to your client and request that they send you a link to update your payment method. After the link is sent to you and you receive the email notification, follow the steps outlined in this help article to update your payment method.
Customers have the option to add a new bank account every time you pay an invoice through Routable.
Simply locate your invoice notification from your client and click on the link to Pay invoice.
On the invoice page, you will have an option to Add another bank account, where you can connect your bank account directly via Plaid or add bank details manually to begin the micro deposit verification process.
Refer to this handy guide for more details on updating your payment method.
If you run into any questions or issues, and we’ll be happy to take a closer look! 💌
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